Trading and investing platform eToro said on Thursday it has partnered with Elon Musk-led Twitter to let users access real-time prices of cryptocurrencies, stocks, and other assets, and to enable the trading of those instruments. The trading data will be available through Twitter’s Cashtags featur...
Bob Lee, a technology executive who founded the mobile payment company Cash App and previously worked at Square, died Tuesday after he was stabbed near downtown San Francisco, according to his family and police. San Francisco police said officers responded to a report of a stabbing around 2:35 a.m. ...
The shooting rampage at a bank here that left five victims dead began when an employee opened fire inside a conference room during a morning staff meeting, a manager at the bank says. Rebecca Buchheit-Sims told CNN she was attending the meeting virtually on Monday and watched in horror as the shooti...
Highly classified Pentagon documents leaked online in recent weeks have provided a rare window into how the US spies on allies and foes alike, deeply rattling US officials, who fear the revelations could jeopardize sensitive sources and compromise important foreign relationships. Some of the documen...
Season one of “Yellowjackets” ended with the phrase “let the darkness set us free,” and season two dares to venture into the darkness with little to no remorse. The breakout Showtime series blends horror, adventure, comedy, drama and more in an eerily harmonious way as two primary timelines ...